NOTE: You do not need the DLC from Denpasoft if you get the full version. Do not install it over the full version.
1. Go to your account and click downloads.
2. Make sure to download all six files and move them to the same folder. It should look like this:
3. Click on the file labeled 'vol4_DL_part.1xe'
4. You may see this screen. Hit 'More Info', then 'run anyway' if you do
4. Hit extract, and extract it to a folder of your choosing. This is a temporary folder, so just in this folder works.
5. Run 'setup.exe'
6. Follow the prompts, making sure to read the readme. When you select a save folder, remember that some antiviral programs and Windows may interfere if you install to Program Files.
7. You should be able to run the game from any shortcut.